How to Create the Perfect Red Lips!

What's more glamorous, daring and stare inducing than a pair of stunning red lips? Not much!  Christmas is fast approaching and its become my favourite time of the year to wear red lips, its festive and mature for the seasonal parties.  I think anyone can pull red lips off, although the ‘type’ of red may vary for each person because of skintone and what suits you more.  I personally prefer red lipsticks with a more orange, yellow base, rather than blue based red lipsticks as I feel they brighten my pale skin up.

To create the perfect red lips from scratch you will need -


A lip scrub - The Body Shop’s Lipscuff, Lipbalm - The Body Shop’s Shea balm, Red Lipliner - Prestige Lip liner in Tomango, Red Lipstick - Unknown brand Lipstick!

BARE LIPS (ugly!)




Apply a lip scrub or scuff to remove all the dead, dry, flaky skin that can completely ruin this look.  I use The Body Shops Lipscuff.  I adore this product, the fact that you apply it like a lipstick and then just rub your lips together to exfoliate.  This product has a minty taste and fragrance which is very pleasant and has small grains which help to gently remove the dead skin.  Also has marula oil in which is very moisturizing. 

Sorry for the unattractive photograph, but I wanted to show what the scrub looks like!



Moisturize!  Apply your favourite lipbalm!  I use The Body Shop’s Shea Butter Lipbalm, its the most moisturizing balm I have ever come across and leaves my lips feeling juicy and soft.  The smell and taste is subtle but delicious and it doesn’t leave any residue or colour which is perfect.  These only come in a set of two at TBS stores and the proceeds go to charity.  If you are left with greasy lips, just pat off the residue with a tissue.



Line the lips.  I only have one red lip liner and I use it with all of my red lipsticks.  Its by Prestige in the colour Tomango.  Gently trace the outline of your lips with the pencil.  Pay special attention to the cupids bow.  A little trick I learnt at the MAC event last month is to look down when focusing on the cupids bow, because looking at them from above in a mirror, allows you to easily see if they’re even.  After lips are lined, I always fill in my whole lips as it creates a nice base for the lipstick to hold onto.



Apply your lippie!  I’m using one of my Mothers, I have no idea who its by but I love the colour (named Red Stiletto), its a perfect classic red shade.  (Before I run out of this I will take it into the shops to find another red lippie that matches the colour exactly). Blot the lips on a tissue after and add another thin layer, this will ensure that your lipstick lasts longer.



Using your concealer, go around the outside of your lips just to make sure its all even and that there aren't any red smudges anywhere.  Your concealer will also emphasize your lips and the whole thing will just look neater!  Please note that in the photograph above, I hadn’t yet blended in the concealer so it looks messy!

ET VOILA!  (queue cheesy-catalogue-laughter-shots)


You are left with delicious red sultry lips.  Its up to you how you wear the rest of your makeup with your bright lips, many people say its a sin to wear dark, smokey eyes with red lips but I completely disagree.  I feel comfortable and pretty with smokey eyes so I will mix both looks.  I find that a brown smokey eye looks best with red lipstick on me.

IMG_0236_pp IMG_0241_pp

So be bright and brave when it comes to red lips, they look glam and sexy so wear them proud and be confident.

Was this helpful at all? What's your favourite red lipstick & do you have any bonus tips of your own?



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