My Photography Shows!

Warning: Picture heavy post!

Those of you who follow me on twitter will know that I have been VERY busy lately, because I have been in two photography exhibitions/shows in London!  On Thursday 2nd June I had my BA Photography Degree show in my university (London College of Communication) and I am also exhibiting a photograph in none other than Tate Modern!  I will explain more about each later, after the photographs!

BA Photog Degree Show!

classphoto Class Photo!

5803525129_bbf985a91f_o Me & my work! (please excuse my ditzy eyes, I was tipsy on champagne and was buzzing from the atmosphere and excitement!).

So I’ve finished my photography degree!  Instead of exams we put on a big exhibition to showcase all of our Final Major Projects and we get marked on presentation etc.  The private view was so amazing, my best friends and family came and it meant so much to me for them to see the work I’ve been creating, as well as getting to meet my class mates.  After the private view my class & teachers and I went to our local pub and stayed there all night drinking and having a laugh.  I’ve really enjoyed my degree and its sad that its come to an end! 

We took the class photo above before the university became open to the public on the night of the degree show.  That massive frame that we are gathered in is actually a guy in my class’ final piece – impressive, huh!

Exhibition ‘After we arrive, before we leave…’ at Tate Modern

Tate group photo!  This is a few of us that have photographs in the exhibition – there are 13 of us exhibiting in total.

MAY 032Over excited to be in the Tate!

tate My name plaque (aaaaahhhh!!) and my parents and I next to my photograph!

So for the past two years I have been working/interning at Tate Modern as their Public Programmes (events/workshops/symposia) photographer with 12 other people doing their Photog degree at LCC.  I have enjoyed every second of it – being able to take photographs in the Tate, after hours has been wonderful.  Amazingly, the Tate decided to put some of the photographs we have taken over the internship into their new gallery space, the MacAulay gallery.  We collaborated as a group to curate the show with our boss and its now open to the public until June 25th!

If any of you are around the Tate, do pop in to visit!  The MacAulay gallery is on the first floor and its free to enter!

I do apologise that I haven’t been posting as much recently, I hope you can understand why!  I also moved out of my cute little flat in South London and back to my parents house in Essex because I simply can’t afford it anymore without a student loan.  I’m planning to spend this summer finding assisting/internship jobs, making money and sorting my life out, and blogging lots of course!  All of the products I need to review are currently all in bags/boxes from the move, so bear with me whilst I get back into the swing of things!

What are your favourite galleries in London?  And who else has finished their degree?!



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