I had a little realisation the other day that I hadn’t reviewed a Glossybox in absolutely ages! But when this box landed on my doorstep I knew I wanted to share it with you as I think it’s a good’un, containing multiple products which are perfect for the summer months ahead!
Helen E Shimmer Eye Powder in #16 – This looks like quite a boring product to me, personally at first glance but it is actually pretty gorgeous! This is a loose shimmer pigment which contains the most stunning tiny shimmers. The white shade I received is incredible because you can use it for so many purposes – eye shadow, highlighter (on cheeks and brow bones) and you could even sprinkle a little into your body moisturizer for a gorgeous dewy look (think glowing legs and little denim shorts!).
Figs and Rouge Lip Balm in Coco Rose – A girl can never have too many lip balms and this is an adorable little one. It says it’s a tinted lip balm but this leaves no colour on my lips. The rose scent is light, sweet and beautiful and it does a good job of leaving my lips soft and silky, but not tacky and greasy. This is also petroleum free – perfect!
Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-purpose Dry Oil – This was the product I was most excited about in the box, I’m a big fan of Nuxe but haven’t yet tried this! This is identical to their other dry body oil, but this is with added shimmer which looks beautiful even on even my ghastly pale skin! My skin looks really healthy and naturally glowing when I use this - I can see it being a staple in my summer routine and will probably pick up a full size bottle soon!
Me Me Me Long Lasting Gloss Polish in #92 Alluring – If I had gone to a Me Me Me stand, this is the EXACT kind of shade I would have picked up for myself. I definitely have a thing for nude, mannequin looking nails and this pale greyish beige ticks all the boxes for me!
Monu First Defence Hydrating Moisturizer SPF 15- I’m really not a fan of skincare in beauty boxes but I really like that this day cream has an SPF (SPF should be worn everyday, after all). This has a strong floral fragrance which I don’t like (I prefer to use un-fragranced products on my face because I’m very acne prone) so I’ll probs pass this on to someone else!
All in all this is a pretty good selection of products by Glossybox and full of lovely products for the summer!
Are you a Glossybox subscriber? Which product are you most looking forward to receiving?
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