I don’t know about you, but whenever I see a blogger posting about their pet (whether it be a kitten, bunny rabbit, dog or even hedgehog) I am immediately filled with delight and happiness and sigh a big fat ‘awwhhh’ out loud. Now, my mum and sister are allergic to cats and dogs (I would love nothing more than a little kitten running around at home) so for my whole life we have always had little hamsters! I’ve never done a post on hamsters before but thought I’d introduce you to the current cutest member of the Snooks family!
Having a staring contest (excuse the bare, no makeup face!)
Ladies and gents, I introduce you to Balthazar, the light of my life! Balth is coming up to two years old now so is turning into a little old girl, but she is still as energetic and loving as ever. Whenever I’m feeling down I just look to Balthazar and she instantly makes me happy.
I’m the trainer of Snooks family hamsters and am always given the job of holding the hamsters first and teaching them not to bite, but Balth has been the only hamster we’ve ever had that has never bitten, ever! She loves cuddles and I like to feed her food whilst holding her (bonding sessions).
She had to have a little operation a few months ago as she had a little lump that kept growing on her ear, so a vet removed it and she has been happy (but silly looking) ever since and was so brave, running all over the place once she came round from the anaesthetic.
Our last little hamster was called Bishmael, who was equally as loved and adorable. You can watch a video of Bish and I here -
There we have it! I hope you enjoyed (and squealed ‘awwh’) at this post. I’d love to know if you have any little pets, tweet me a photograph! @katesnooks
Do you have a little hamster? What’s your favourite pet to have?
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