Recent Life Update #2!

I’m back with another catch up of what I’ve been up to recently!  These are from the last three weeks, I’ve been crazy busy as usual and have been out most evenings socializing which is most unlike me!
I’ve been to the theatre, lots of restaurants and lots of blogger events.  Work has also been really good and my creativity is flowing.

1) Cuddles with Balthazar, my little hamster with only one ear.
2) Outside the theatre after seeing Daniel Radcliff perform in the Cripple of Inishman!
3) I won a cocktail making task at the Rituals Event – the cosmopolitan challenge!
4) Pancakes with work mates!

1) Art installation in Dalston on a Friday evening
2) Creating a graphic eye look for Company magazine’s weekly edit app
3) Editing YouTube Videos
4) Tanya and I at the Vichy event

1) Before doing ‘Clue Quest’ with my sister’s boyf
2) Outfit of the day – Topshop, Primark, H&M
3) On the dodgems on a Friday night at Mile End Fun Fair
4) Drinking shandy in dungarees

1) Creating shadows in the sun
2) Pizza at work
3) With my favourite girls ever – Zoe, Lily and Emma
4) Nic from Pixiwoo creating magic at an Avon event

1) New pale CC cream’s from Gosh launching soon
2) The incredible Zoella bought me macaroons!
3) Helping Tanya sort her makeup kit out – I was in makeup heaven
4) Morning strolls!

Catch up
I was recently asked on Twitter if I could write a post about how I got my job so I’m currently typing it up, although it’s turning out to be a massive post all about my work history.  If you like the sound of this let me know and I’ll be sure to publish it. 

I filmed a makeup tutorial yesterday, a simple one but the before and after shots are really impressive, I can’t wait to publish it.  I also trekked out to Streatham last night to watch a friend perform with his band.  They are called Whisky Jax and they are super cool so check them out here -

Whisky Jax!

In terms of books, I’ve read one this month so far – The End of Alice is was super disturbing and I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t like graphic novels.  I’ve just downloaded Nabokov’s Lolita to read next – have you read it?  This week ahead is going to be super busy with lots of work drinks and catching up with friends I haven’t seen in a while so the next catch up post should be interesting! 

What have you been up to recently? Also, please recommend me some books!



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